Hotel City Point may collect personal information from you including your first and last name, address, telephone and mobile number,email address and any other information, when you knowingly provide us with this information. This will generally occur when you either. Wherever Hotel City Point collects personal information about you from someone else, Hotel City Point will take reasonable steps to advise you. Hotel City point will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information except with your specific consent.

Payment Details
Hotel City Point does not store any of your Credit/ Debit/ Bank account details.

Access,Accuracy & Security

Hotel City Point will take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information collected is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You can access and request correction of any personal information concerning you at any time. You may also request that your personal information be deleted at any time. Any such requests should be made directly by contacting us. Hotel City Point will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorized access, modification or disclosure


If this privacy policy is changed,the revised policy will be posted on this app. Please check back periodically and especially before you provide any personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on April 01,2019.


By using this site, your agree to the terms of the policy as stated above. Whenever you submit information via this app, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the information in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Hotel City point.